Month: February 2013

  • A Cure for Homosexuality

    Hey folks !  become knowledgeable about this subject.

    visit and read scientific literature about the cure for homosexuality at

    more here later…

    it needs a cure…. “One Man, One Woman” by Dale O’Leary, a great, great, great book deals extensively with SSA (Same Sex Attraction), its pathology, and remediation.


  • St. Malachy Prophecy – Latin text

    dear Reader, please notice: near the bottom of the middle column the term “Religio depopulata” – that applied to Pope Benedict XV during the First World War.  depopulation!  “Fides intrepida” would be Pius XI and describing him as intrepid is an understatement! then comes Pius XII – angelic pastor – ok, he promulgated some very ethereal doctrines, like the Assumption of Mary’s body into heaven, and that humans arose from an original pair of parents (which is not a binding doctrine like the Assumption.) the right hand column goes through the Popes from John XXIII to the one that will be elected in March, 2013: Peter the Roman – and then the end of the world.

  • INSANE SWEDEN Government! nazis!!



    Heartbreaking Outcome in Johansson Case


    Dear friends, please keep the Johansson family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to suffer at the hands of the oppressive anti-family state of Sweden. It is now nearly four years since little Domenic Johansson was kidnapped by the government of the Island of Gotland. Now, after the first sensible ruling ever in their favor at a district court last summer, a Swedish appeals court has reversed that ruling. The appeals court ruled that the parental rights of Annie and Christer should be permanently transferred to someone else—mostly because Domenic had been homeschooled and because the family has been public about this egregious human rights tragedy. Ruby Harrold-Claesson is representing the family and is appealing this decision to the Swedish Supreme Court with support from HSLDA. SeeFamily Execution—Swedish Style for more information. You can support Christer and Annie and post encouragement at

    Germany is only 1/2 lock-step behind, imprisoning homeschool parents. YAVOL! only government thought – RULE the people – nien! to democracy.

    But Sweden is worse…fruit of denying the Catholic faith that’s what it is….

  • My Conclave Prediction

    For what it’s worth, here’s my conclave prediction…

    First, let me say that conclave predictions are notoriously wrong and way off the mark.  This year I read the book: The Last Pope by Malachy Martin…at least I think that was the title, I threw it out because it was so off base.  And he claimed to be possessed by an angel !  Hooey!

    So, I have covered my ass,…if I am wrong, it’s totally par for the course, typical, cudda been expected and all that….

    But, if I am right, aaah, I am onto something, eh?  Yeah.  

    So, here’t goes….

    The conclave to elect the final Pope will not be an interminable mish-mash affair.  At the outset, right now, it certainly looks like that’s what it could reasonably be expected to turn into.  There is just nobody that seems a choice that could be agreed on.  The dominant factions among the cardinals don’t seem to have candidates that can win enough swing votes to push him to the top.

    Right now, everything seems very muddled.  All we really have to go on is Pope Benedict XVI’s parting wish at his resignation that the new Pope be energetic…hence, young-ish.  

    So, here’s my call: after a few “warm-up” votes, which will do nothing but put the favorite players officially on the board, and let everyone see the various factions real power, the impasse will be pathetically apparent.  Everyone is divided, with no principal candidate able to carry the day.

    Now, my understanding is that votes must be taken at regular intervals.  That being the case they will have to vote before going to bed for the night, maybe on the second night.  And they will elect a Pope….!


    The tired and disconcerted cardinals will file up and cast their secret ballot…all will cast what I am calling “a throw-away vote”…a throw-away vote is a vote for some cardinal who is not one of the contenders.  The purpose of casting a throw-away vote is to see if there’s a trend to shift to someone, it also will allow the lesser factions to drop out and fade out of the picture.

    But, VOILA!  magically, all the throw-away votes will be for the same person!  Suddenly a winner – the final Pope – has emerged from deep obscurity.

    Perhaps the second night will not have quite enough votes to declare the winner.  Sleep on it, and get ready for the first vote on the third day.  Like a Resurrection!  Everyone will be happy because unity was achieved, the Holy Spirit will have seemed to have made the choice, no one is to blame, all are relieved.  We have a POPE!

    Who will it be? It might be the Phillipine cardinal.  It might be the President of the fabric of Peter, Comastri.  No one can say with any certitude, but that’s how I think the vote will go….or it might be Peter Erdo.

  • How To Contact God – Part XVIII

    How To Contact God- Part XVIII

    The situation has evolved into this: both parties are eager to make contact, or enhance contact as the case may be, but there still seems to be an some impasse…it is as if our radio were trying to receive God’s television signals…we are not on the same wavelength, or, to use another analogy, we don’t have the right equipment to receive what God is broadcasting.

    St. John of the Cross used a similar analogy…the sodden log, he said, won’t burn.

    The real problem is something that stumped St. Thomas Aquinas, but which Bl. Duns Scotus resolved: how can Divinity and humanity have successful intercourse?  – by mutuality of Being.

    Jesus solved this same problem Himself…by the time of 12 years old.  Obviously, the childhood education of Jesus by His parents, (Mary, His biological mother, and Joseph, His foster-father,) must have included the data-set that His conception was virginal. Jesus’ human brain, and human soul, – centered as the soul is in the “heart” – must have organically believed the transmission of His parents’ data.  This is not something that we should take for granted…it is the ideal for parent/child relations that TRUTH be communicated, passed on, whole and intact.  By “organic” belief I mean that this data of His virginal conception entered into His Being and became part of it in His Heart, just like we have an organic knowledge of where the tip of our nose is, though we cannot see it.  His parents’ data-set became hard-wired into Jesus: God conceived Him. Thus a unity of Being between Jesus and the Invisible Omnipotent Creator was established due to the successful parenting the child Jesus received. 

    As an aside, let me add that Jesus seems to have kept this to Himself, self-validating it by various means… There is a story from Alexandria, Egypt that when Jesus was living there as a child He took mud and turned it into a bird, which flew away to the delight of His playmates, and His mother told him not to do such things anymore.  It wasn’t until His baptism in the Jordan by John that Jesus received external validation of His unity of Being with the Father, the Voice saying: “This is my Beloved Son,” – which had the surprising (?) effect of driving Him into the wilderness for 40 days without food.

    So, this is where we are: we have established contact with God on a being-to-Being basis through our meditation technique, and the faith that it is reasonable, non-delusional, and authentic.

    It is very exciting and loaded with potentiality, but doesn’t seem to be a tractable relationship: we don’t know what to do with it, or about it.  We are stuck again. 

    A lot of very religious people get stuck here – and end up saying verbal prayers and attending to the form of religious life right up to the moment of death.  St. Paul calls it somewhere: ‘limiting God.”  – citation needed….

    We would like to avoid this. After all, we are success-driven, with an eye to perfection.  Please do not balk at that. It is true; and every artisan will tell you so, every engineer.  Anything less, is lacking.

    So, we have got some work to do. Or rather, we are in need of work TO BE DONE! – because, frankly, we aren’t quite up to managing it ourselves very well at all…human perfection seems far too remote to achieve, even if we knew what to do, we are not well suited to doing it.  So, there’s a very real cause to the impasse we are experiencing…our being is not well able to relate to the Divine Being.  very simple.  Or as the Jews say: “You cannot see the Face of God, and live.”

    And so, dear Reader, we have reached the end of the line.  Thank you for coming this far.  I hope you have gotten some enjoyment out of my meditations, and some benefit. 

    If you are going to go any further with me on this mission/quest you must realize that it is going to get explicitly Catholic.

    The Doctrine of the Eucharist is the only way forward from this point.  You can remain here and be a wonderful Hindu, or Buddhist, or Muslim or Jew…but you cannot go forward without being a Catholic.  Oh, you can read about it, and I hope you do continue to follow this blog, but to live it you must become a Catholic.   For that, I apologize, because becoming a Catholic means you may be robbed of your cultural identifications due to prejudice on the part of your family, or the fact that not many Catholics may share the ethnic traditions from which you spring.  Catholicism is supposed to be ethnic-neutral, and is in its doctrinal elements, but historically it proceeded through Greece to Europe and then, via colonization-assisted missionary action, to the rest of the known world.  So you always have to decide – freely – if you want to go on….