Month: March 2013

  • Get your sex right!

    Get your sex right!


    Laws are being formulated that make it a “hate crime” to promote the concept that homosexual acts are “sinful.”

    It’s a clampdown on the Christian preachers.   What is so surprising?  The Roman Catholic religion has declared other sexual practices immoral, and has suffered tremendous persecution for it too.

    DIVORCE, for instance.  English King Henry VIII wanted to have as many “wives” as was necessary to produce an heir.  Multiple marriages was, and still is, prohibited by the Catholic Church.   So Henry abolished the Catholic Religion in England.  It didn’t make divorce acceptable to the Catholic Church.   It got him an heir, and a niche in Hell.

    Artificial Contraception is another sin of a sexual nature that is forbidden by the Catholic Church.  Oh, it is forbidden, make no mistake about it – officially – but sexual rebels WITHIN the Church have tried for decades to wriggle around its strict prohibition with specious appeals to “the conscience of the individual” and  arguments about the “specific moral context” of particular instances of the use of artificial contraception.  

    My point is that the Church has a unified vision of the correct way for people to exercise their sexuality according to the Blue Print of God the Father.

    There are always going to be factions that are unwilling to renounce their particular fetish, and doth protest too loudly.  Pretty soon, I predict, -maybe originating right from somebody’s Xanga site – that you are going to see a group of MILITANT JERKOFFS who are angry at the Church for insisting that masturbation is a sin.  

    Get your sex right.  Heterosexual, exclusive, within marriage, for the purpose of mutual self-giving, and naturally open to children.  Is that too much to understand and strive for?

  • Unnatural women…a new breed?

    Whatever happened to Nature that so many women hate it so much? (men too, maybe, but I think less so, but I may be biased a wee bit, but I don’t think so.)

    They don’t like to breastfeed.  In fact, women today are having a REAL PROBLEM with their breasts.

    Bras are being bought and sold that turn women’s breasts into unrecognizable, uniformly smooth bumps.

    Even when women show cleavage – it is unnatural.  The breasts are so rigidly confined that the visibility of the breasts do not convey any hint of attractiveness…rather…it’s more like an armor shield deliberately designed to put off all semblance of the feminine.  And please don’t mention BREAST IMPLANTS!  – Don’t forget they are only TEMPORARY…yep, they will have to be redone sometime in the future.

    It’s fear of Nature, that’s what it is.  Women are afraid of their own Nature.

    Oh, they want NATURAL FOOD.  But not natural sex.  Very, very, weird.  

    Birth control pills and Natural Food don’t go together, fems.  There’s a disconnect going on, and it’s in the head.

    Take Body Hair for example.  Women hate body hair now. What’s up with that? For the same reason – they are afraid of their own Nature. A good bush is protective, probably reduces infections. But please don’t show UNDERARM hair, or leg hair, it is considered primitive (- on this side of the Atlantic ocean).

    As for Pregnancy, it’s basically considered a disease, an illness that requires a “health” treatment – abortion.  Women are driven to kill their own spawn because they are so, so dreadfully, afraid of of their own Nature.

    There’s a classic psychology book by the great Neo-Freudian psychiatrist, Karl Stern, titled: “Flight From Woman” that is my reference for much of these opinions….

    Women are afraid of penises.  They want to cover then with plastic.  Sperm is INFECTIOUS, and needs to be killed with some form or other of toxic chemical. Most would rather have a vibrator than a man attached to a penis.

    And so, there is an increase in Lesbianism because of all this fear of Nature.  It puts men off, particularly young, inexperienced men, and pushes them toward homosexual choices. Making love to some women is more heroic than climbing Mt. Annapurna.

    * * * *

    I want to point out the road back.  The path that will lead women back to Nature, where it’s YOUR MAN and YOUR WOMAN… And that path is NATURAL BIRTH CONTROL, i.e., Fertility Awareness… knowing when she is fertile, and when she is not fertile, by mastering the knowledge of the Natural cycle of the woman’s vaginal mucous secretions.

    study this page, ladies: AND I MEAN STUDY IT with careful attention:

    Bring Back Nature into your sex lives.  Restore your femininity, and re-unite yourself with Man.  Go Natural, Lady.

    Of course, if you want to care for your SOUL as well as your body, then bring God into the bedroom, and make sure he puts a circle on it…a wedding ring on your finger.


  • Motu Proprio

    motu proprio means “on my own action” and is the form of an EDICT by the Pope.

    We might just see one coming real soon, and a big surprise too… within a couple or three months, or sooner!

    How about: “I hereby direct all church property other than the Church building itself be sold, and the liquid funds be given away to the poor.”

    This Pope is capable of something similar, and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he does it.  In fact, I would support it 100%.

    okay, if that’s not it, what other one that exercises the Pope’s absolute authority over every facet of church life?  How about the dissolution of all episcopal conferences on the grounds that they are not canonical entities, and therefore not authorized to teach in Christ’s Name?  That would be a good one too…

    Such an action by Pope Francis would not surprise me, in fact, I expect it, and soon too.  But that would only be the first shoe to fall…. What really is Jesus’ Church like in the modern world?  I think that document from the Vatican Council II needs to be re-read if you want to imagine what kind of Church Pope Francis is trying to rebuild.

    I don’t think he will go corporate-style, but it might be some big change he will decree in his first “Motu Proprio.”

    It could be cool. way cool. beyond anything science-fiction. I can dig it, can you?


  • North Korea + “Bush Doctrine”

    North Korea under young Kim has placed itself in such a position that it’s political profile intersects with the “Bush Doctrine” of pre-emptive strike.

    1) by nullifying the cease-fire of 1953 which ended the Korean “conflict”;

    2) by cutting communication lines;

    3) by placing its armed forces on maximum alert, actual war preparedness;

    4) and by its diplomatic statements that threaten war and annihilation to US bases, and mainland.

    President Obama’s response is to go on vacation. Which might be a good response, or it might be DUMB.

    Intelligence needs to look closely at Kim’s education in Switzerland.  Was he deeply into Napoleon Bonaparte?

    I think so, from the looks of things – yes, I think Kim may have a Napoleon psychological complex. Which bodes ill.

    Adding to the problem is China’s funding, and outright military and technical support, as well as behind the scenes encouragement of outrageous actions by North Korea. N.Korea is China’s pit bull, and front for breaking the military containment policy the United States is tightly imposing on China in the China Sea and Pacific in general.

    Kim may attack.  Kim may attack at any time, as I am writing, as you are reading.

    Attack where?  Well, that IS the question, isn’t it?  To answer correctly it is important to realize that North Korea IS its military. We tend to think of North Korea as a country with land just to the NORTH of the Line of Demilitarization separating South Korea. However that old fashioned idea DOES NOT APPLY TO NORTH KOREA.

    North Korea exists where its military is, where the military controls.  It could be anywhere. It could be South Korea, it could be Australia, or the Philippines just as easily, more or less.  All North Korea needs to do is confiscate enough boats to move its troops.  I really don’t think there exists a military presence that can stop North Korea from successfully attacking in the short term ANY TARGET IN THE AREA IT CHOOSES.  It’s like American football…they have the muscle to move the ball forward and occupy territory, and it will be very difficult to extirpate these forces from the new land they conquer.

    It’s just like Napoleon invading Egypt, Russia, and England…

    I think something needs to be done to prevent this. China will not assist REALLY preventing it – because China wants it to occur.

    and what’s with China massing forces on the NKorean border???? I heard somewhere that immigrants are leaving NKorea and emigrating to China…women and children probably.  In other words, if NKorea’s ARMY moves into South Korea, then North Korea is a vacuum – not even worth bombing.  But can China have plans to use its military to occupy North Korea? or to be a second punch behind North Korea’s attack?

    What is going on?  Theologically, it can be said that Demonic forces are in conflict.  The kingdom of the devil is fighting among itself.  Jesus remarked that that is what happens, and why they will lose.  Obama is notoriously soft on hard brutality, preferring soft brutality, like abortion policy, and denial of conscience regulations.  But when provoked by a demonic force, Obama may just like a maniac invoke the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strike….

    things can get really hot really soon.  Or, Kim won’t attack. And Obama won’t pre-emptive strike. But if Obama does not pre-emptive strike, and Kim DOES ATTACK, the genie will be out of the bottle, and it will be very difficult to stuff that military back into North Korea.


  • First Contact with Alien Civilizations?

    Was first contact with alien civilizations a paranormal event?  Very possibly…. Here’s why.

    Let’s establish that you are willing to admit of paranormal activity, albeit at a minimal level.  Have you ever had the feeling someone was looking at you behind your back?  Did you turn around and catch them in the act?

    Of course you have.  That was a paranormal event.  If you balk at admitting even that bare minimum, I am afraid this blog post is not your cup of tea. [I believe paranormal events are psychic events, i.e. actions of the human soul which are a product of intuitive faculties which science has not yet clearly defined. Occult events are often related to paranormal events, but I make a distinction between the two. Both are spiritual and often may be connected, but true occult events are demonic, and true paranormal events are strictly human actions of the human soul. There is a soul.]

    I once almost married a woman whom I met through just such a paranormal event as I have cited at the outset.  While on a date at a small club in Washington, D.C., I sensed someone looking at me from behind, and turned consciously, slowly, and sure enough there she was, staring at me.  I walked over and said: “You realize, of course, that we just made paranormal contact?” To which she nodded, grinning. My date was aghast when the woman and I started French kissing…. A couple of years later the woman in question broke up with me over a question she posed to me over the telephone. She asked me to fold my hands…I folded them. (READER: you do the same. Fold your hands.)

    She then asked me if my right thumb was over my left thumb, or my left thumb over my right thumb.  Apparently, the wrong thumb was on top, so she broke up with me, explaining the flawed meaning of my choice. Easy come, easy go, I always say.


    If your left thumb is on top of your right thumb – and you are right handed – it means you want to be comforted, suckled,
    coddled, and taken care of.  However, if your right thumb is on top of your left thumb, and you are right handed, it means you are assertive and want to possess.  My left thumb was on top, and so she dumped me, not wanting a dependent male on her hands for the rest of her life….

    Since then I have been trying to rectify my thumb-preference when I fold my hands, but it still doesn’t feel right. Oh,well.

    But getting back to the topic….

    I ASSERT that early humans sensed they were being looked at, observed, from space. – Now, in 2013, that exo-planets are being discovered around seemingly EVERY STAR, this first intuitive alien contact I am proposing is of more relevance than ever before…. Here’s what’s behind my conjecture.

    Myths were made from CONSTELLATIONS.  Constellations were made as the attempt to remember the identity and location of each star.  Let it be noted that the “memory” of which I speak is both permanent and collective.  “Collective” may be construed to denote the tribe, clan, or whatever memory group was being represented by the constellation and associated myth, but the term “collective” can just as easily be applied to humanity in general, as all cultures seem to have made constellations of the stars, and told stories.  Myths, then, are collective memory.

    Concerning the constellations, bright stars usually signified EYES, eyes of animals more often than of people, more often birds than other animals.  Animal eyes seem to glow in the dark with any amount of reflected light, so it is not much of a jump to see a star as an animal eye.  Birds are properly placed in the sky. Constellations with bird eyes as conspicuous stars include: Cynus the swan; Corvus the crow; Aquila the eagle, just to name a few that pop into my mind, as well as terrestial animals: Taurus, the bull, has a red star as its bloodshot eye, (bullseyes on targets are still red for that reason – in fact the store, TARGET, has as its company symbol is a red bullseye); Sirius the eye of Canis Major is a dog’s eye, etc. etc.

    Pictured here is the SUMMER TRIANGLE of three modern constellations: Cygnus the Swan is portrayed in Lascaux cave as the DEAD MAN, the oldest representation of a human (note the erect penis – God bless him!), first magnitude star Deneb is his eye; Vega is the eye of the auroch; and Altair is the eye of the bird, now the eagle, Aquila.

    So, the ancient people just did not look up at the stars…THEY FELT THE STARS WERE LOOKING AT THEM…for example, the eye of Medusa – the star Al Gol…the Demon Star – so not all the stars looking at them were particularly friendly.

    Therefore I posit that Humanity’s first contact with alien life – mostly animal??? – was paranormal or intuitive.

    Double-check: did you ever have a paranormal event with an animal…cat looking at you…? Certainly you have.  I have even had paranormal sensation of the watching eyes of an insect: a Praying Mantis…blew my mind. So I gave him a fly, and he took it from my hand, and we became good friends, until that horrible day I mistakenly and unknowingly gave him a fly that my wife had sprayed with RAID bug spray, and it killed him…I will never forget the look of betrayal that mantis gave me before he toppled from the shower curtain-rod and fell dead at my feet.

    I think SETI – the search for ExtraTerrestialIntelligence – would do well to add intuitive elements into the signals they send into space, and look for intuitive signals in their scans of space…they might just be out there looking for us to make paranormal contact – again.




  • New Pope Francis

    During the recent conclave, my dear wife placed a large blessed cross upon the stone statue of a saint that we have in the guest room as part of our parish’s prayers for the new pope….St. Francis !   Very effective prayer.

    He sure doesn’t seem to fit the St. Malachy profile: “Petrus Romanus” as the last pope.  So, as some have said, there may be a series between “Gloria Olivae” (who we associate closely with Benedict XVI) and the last one before the Judgment.

    That being said, let me add that it is not surprising that it does not SEEM to fit.  First, there indeed could be an unnamed series of (minor) popes before the destruction of Jerusalem (or Rome, as the case may be, both fit the description of “city of seven hills”).

    Second, very often the description does not seem to fit, except often in hindsight.  So, this guy Bergoglio could well turn out somehow to fit “Petrus Romanus.” 

    Therefore, I am totally willing to drop the St. Malachy hysteria, until, and unless, some further evidence presents itself, which probably WILL.  As the Lord said, “the kingdom of heaven is without observation,” and again. “if some say he is here, or here, don’t bother going to see him.”  haha. fake out.

    But I certainly DO THINK that Pope Francis is a very significant Pope, or may be.  Nuclear winter will mostly devastate the Northern Hemisphere, and with a Pope from the South, it is more likely that the Faith will be preserved in regions less affected by radioactive fallout.  Portugal also, is dry and immune from “hot” rain, as the Virgin of Fatima has said Portugal will preserve the Faith until the end of time. And of course, the Hispanic countries are Catholic due to mostly the Franciscan missionaries – which fits well with this Pope too.

    Imagine…the first Jesuit Pope calling himself Francis…is that funny, or what?

    In sum then, I think the age of this Pope Francis, 76 already, indicates a sort of “5-year plan” by the cardinals. Petrus Romanus has not appeared yet most probably, and they are staying the course of Tradition with this Pope, which is undoubtedly wise.  He reminds me in a certain way of Pope John-Paul I in his quirky humility…and you know what happened to him: he was murdered by the heretical ultra-conservatives.  Drugged with a sleep potion in his evening wine by Cardinal Villot, Secretary of State, from France (who was later arrested by the Vatican and died six months later still under house arrest in the Vatican) and then shot-up between the toes with air bubbles in an attempt to simulate a heart attack, by an unknown agent of the schismatic, also French, Cardinal Lebevre, whose group is still in schism.  So, we have to see how long this new pope lasts.  But I am sure God is with him, as he is right on target, and on time.  So, go for it Francis~!

  • The MOST improbable thing I ever saw.

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    Sunday, May 08, 2011

    The most IM-probable thing I ever saw


    The MOST improbable thing I ever saw happen was this:

    I was standing in the driveway of a certain woman’s house on a cold and snowy Sunday morning.  Her two year old son was on a sled beneath her foot.  The driveway was slightly sloped, so this woman held the sled beneath her foot to keep it in place and prevent it from sliding away.  She was about to load her two kids, and their sleds, in the car and take them to a park with a hill for sled riding….

    that’s the opening scene….  It had snowed heavily during the night, and it was still early, with virtually no cars passing in the street….

    The woman shifted her feet.  She removed the foot holding the sled, and went to replace it with her other foot.  But she missed the sled as it moved away from her.  She reached out with her foot to stop it, but missed.  I reached to grab the sled, but it escaped me.  We could only stand and watch, helplessly, as the sled drifted away down the driveway, toward the empty street.

    At that very moment a car came slowly into view on the snow covered street.  It seemed incredible that we were about to watch the death of her child – in slow motion before our very eyes.

    The driver of the car never saw the sled coming out of the driveway.  The sled passed directly beneath the moving car, behind the front-right wheel, and disappeared from our view.

    We could only gasp, and wait for the car to pass by.  That second-and-a-half were the slowest, longest, seconds I have ever experienced.

    We couldn’t even scream for that second.  When we did scream, the driver applied the brakes and came to a short skid in the snow, and got out of the car.

    The child and sled were in a jumble in the snow covered street.

    We rushed down the driveway and observed the child sit up in the street – completely unhurt!

    The rear of the sled was bent, slightly.  The car’s back left wheel had run over the very end of the sled’s runner.  The sled had passed perfectly through the moving car – entering behind the front right wheel, and exiting in front of the left rear wheel.  The car’s left rear wheel had barely clipped the end of the sled and tumbled it and the boy harmlessly into the snowy street.

    I was completely stunned.  How could this event have occurred so perfectly timed?  * ** ** **

    Here is what must have occurred:  The car must have left its point of origin at EXACTLY the precise moment (having as its destination a location that would pass by the driveway!) which would create this rendezvous with the sled.  A split second earlier – or later! – and the boy would have been killed.  3 or 4 seconds difference, and it would be a NON-event.

    Was the driver delayed en route?  Did the driver pause a second ANYWHERE for any reason prior?  To light or extinguish a cigarette?  To adjust a seatbelt?  To clean snow from a side view mirror? We do not know.  

    The SLED had to have left its point of origin – beneath the mother’s foot – at EXACTLY the precise microsecond to create this IMPROBABLE nexus.  Not only that, the length of the driveway, as well as the journey of the car, had to be precisely arranged by what the ancients called “FATE” to save the life of the child.  If the driveway were a foot shorter, the kid was road kill. Or a foot longer.

    The SLOPE of the driveway had to be exactly as it was so as to cause the sled to drift away from the mother at the exact rate of speed to prevent her, and I, from restraining its voyage into the street, and arrive beneath the wheels PRECISELY when it did.

    Is this a miracle?   Was the life of the child “miraculously” saved?

    Nothing contravened the laws of physics.  But what about the laws of probability?  Certainly the odds that something like this could occur must be orders of magnitude greater than winning the Mega lottery….yet someone always wins it, sooner or later.   The odds that a flower is growing in a yard on a sunny day may even be more extreme.  everything may be a miracle.  Life itself may defy the laws of probability that it exists….

    But I consider this event of the sled to be a miracle, as mysterious as anything I have ever seen.  Can you top that?  Probably you can !

  • How To Contact God – Part XIX

    How To Contact God – Part XIX


    In the previous post (about which I am not totally content, and may therefore edit) I said things are going to turn Catholic. Frankly, I think that is a bit of a cop-out.  Since access to God is a universal human right, we can go farther along the general path that we have been traveling – before having to deal with the Jews, and the Catholics.

    There are certain “shortcuts” that we may take at this juncture – if they may be called such – (because, you know, shortcuts have a funny way of taking the long way around). 

    For instance, as when God starts flaunting His gifts, and really sort of hiding behind them.  Let me give you an example…Suppose you are not greatly deprived…you are not in an internment camp, or starving, or homeless…but you are part of a society that is pulling together (not like the USA with the blacks obstinately pulling in other undefined direction, sinking the ship) and getting along on this planet at least above the level of mere sustenance.  That’s our: Given.

    You sit down, as is our custom, to commune with God in your dark room.  Hey, this is great.  This place is now very well established, in fact, it seems as if your dwelling were composed AROUND this meditation place!

    There He is, fortified in His dark obscurity; and there you are, in your slimy weakness, surrounded by relative opulence – that you realize is a gift from on High.  He has given you all this.  It is your: Given.  God, the author of all that is Good has poured out all this stuff so that you can climb the mountain of your easy chair and sit vis-a-vis Him, the Maker of the Universe, your God, your Designer who has designed you.

    It has been difficult to get beyond this point.  Good deeds are an important factor…. Just as you see God being generous, and kind, forgiving and patient, so you have been – in your puny, weak, tiny imitation.  What you are doing and what you have done is not enough to save the planet, hell, you can’t even save your children…. In fact, all you have done amounts to nothing or almost nothing.  As Bob Dylan sings in his most recent album, Tempest, “ALL THESE WASTED YEARS.”

    So, you can’t compete with God as far as His works go, His gifts inundate you and overflow to the point that you feel…well… inadequate.  Which is not a nice feeling….

    This choice of a shortcut is sort of forced on you by the general situation you find yourself in, vis-a-vis God.

    So, here’s what you do…you take a shortcut!  You NEGATE all the Gifts.  You nix them off, effectively eliminating them from the playing field.

    You refuse His Gifts….not because they are defective in any way.  But because they are not Him. In fact, you view them as TRIVIAL, compared to Him.  (He who still remains invisible, and hidden.)

    This is a bold move. From God’s point of view it represents a necessary progression, a progression BEYOND the confines of this Universe; but from the human point of view, it is outright insanity.

    But you have in a single stroke cleared off the table.  A sudden impulsive act. Now, it’s eyeball to eyeball. He grins. Or doesn’t.

    *  *  *  *  *  *

    to be continued

    This shortcut is exactly what Elijah did in the Old Testament when he threw everything off and hiked out to a cave in the wilderness.  He threw off a wee bit too much, not even bringing food along with him. So God sent a bird to bring him bread. duh. Finally, after eliminating all the things that people generally associate with God, Elijah was able to contact God, finding Him in the “still-small voice” of conscience – a voice that none of us hardly ever hears BECAUSE our minds are too cluttered with the debris of daily life. NEGATE IT! Thus Elijah is the father of the Carmelites, a religious order, and a spiritual path of negation, that live in stark simplicity, seeking God alone, and nothing else. It’s like putting all your chips on RED21 and hoping to break the bank at the casino. Except that God is real and will not let you fall off the cliff or vaporize into nothing. However, it gets really really close to that.  This method of negation is not for everyone.  Each person has to appreciate and experience negation, but to permanently commit to that spiritual path for the duration of one’s whole life is a radical choice that only a few make. Buddha did not even stay on that path permanently, neither did Jesus.

    But God’s silence and opaqueness can tend to drive seekers to absolute extremes.  This is not good, and not what God generally wants.  Allow me to recommend other “shortcuts”…..